Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The Clutter Nazi

Catriona: Dude. Look at this fucking room. LOOK AT IT!! You're not listening to me. LOOK AT IT NOW!!! That basket is not good enough to hold all your shit. Look at that table. And look at the table over there. Look at it!!! Now look at the table behind you. LOOK!! Are you looking? Look at that other table in your kitchen!! I could throw that whole fucking table in the garbage. You have so much fucking shit in your house it's unbelievable. If I threw what I thought should be garbarge in the garbage, you wouldn't know what to do. You are a packrat.

Me: I am not a packrat! All my stuff has a purpose or a value!

Catriona: NO you ARE a packrat.

Me: No I have a lot of stuff, but it's not packrat stuff, it's all stuff that's important or useful.

Cat: You are a packrat.

Me: No I'm yeah well...uhhh.. you better be quiet... the baby is sleeping.

That's a lotta shit.

Cat: Hey! When did you take that picture of me?

Me: 1 minute ago when I said smile! and then a flash went off.

Cat: What? No seriously, when did you take that picture?



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